Monday, May 26, 2014

Sick and Slow

Well the last few days we feel as though we have been making very slow progress. Which in a way is nice since it gives our bodies more of a break, but it's also frustrating since were used to getting a lot more miles in. Several days ago Daniel had a pretty bad headache, but he downed some ibuprofen and we kept on. Yesterday morning he woke up feeling pretty misrible but after waiting an extra fourty min past our normal getting up time he insisted he wanted to get ready and go. We tied the mileage from our very first day on the trail, making it 10.5 miles by around 11. By this point Daniel was feeling to awful to keep going. (Nausia, headache, etc.) Fortunately since it was a Saturday there were a lot of day hikers out and we decided the best thing to do would be to get a ride to where we would have cell service. We met a wonderful family (Jason, Joy and their four kids) who offered us a ride to where we would have cell service and then invited us back to their home to get showers and eat delicious food! It worked out perfectly, as Daniel's uncle and aunt ( Willis and Greta ) were somewhat in the area and very willingly came by to pick us up and take us back to Harrisonburg where we invited ourselves to crash at Daniel's cousins (Felix and Roxy) for the night. Sorry if that was a very long and confusing sentence :) Felix and Roxy were wonderful,  fed us more delicious food, and gave us soft beds! The plan was to just hang out till Daniel was feeling better and then get back to the trail. This morning Daniel said he was feeling good enough to try hiking again, so once again Willis and Greta gave us a ride back to the trail right where we had left off. We decided to do a shorter day since we got a late start and since Daniel was still not feeling a 100% better. We made it 11.5 miles and arrived to a lovely camping spot. Ideally this is where we would have camped last night. However one thing that I'm continuously learning is that usually when we try to make plans, they don't work out anyway, and it's best to just be flexible. Since I'm such an organized person and enjoy having every detail planned out this can be hard sometimes, but I do believe I'm getting better. :)


Jason and Joy and family. 

Getting back on the trail thanks to our wonderful aunt an uncle, Willis and Greta 

Rhododendrons are blooming! 


  1. So sorry to hear Daniel hasn't been well.
    The rhododendrons are beautiful and they are blooming in Accident now too. : )

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