Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sick and Slow: Round 2

We are currently sitting at the side of the road waiting to be picked up by Danae's uncle Ralph. Ralph and Cinda live just a few miles from Skyline Drive and they invited us to stay at their when we get in the area. We were planning on making it further north today, but today Danae got very sick and threw-up twice already. Instead of doing 25 miles, we made it 15.  We feel ba because this means that Ralph has to drive a little further to pick us up. Between me getting sick and Danae getting sick, our plans didn't work out as well as we wanted then to this week. 

However, yesterday was a great day. We woke up and I felt much better. After walking 7 miles and taking our morning break, we heard a man in front of us making weird noises. At first I thought he was crazy. Then I realized it was just one of my crazy uncles... Willis. I should have known. If you read our previous blog, you know that Willis and Greta saved us when I was feeling really sick. Yesterday they decided to hunt us down on the trail and give us trail magic. They took us to Golden Coral and then gave us some candy bars and protein bars for on the trail. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Willis and Greta and we are very grateful for the trail magic. I need to go to doughnut fest more often to become as witty as my uncle. I'm sure Greta will disagree with me on that last idea. 

After getting back on the trail yesterday, we were able to slackpack for 5 miles since we dropped our packs at a road crossing 5 miles ahead. Normally slack packing is easier and helps you go faster, but we had a lot of food in our stomachs weighing us down. At the end of the day, we made it 5 miles south of Waynesboro.

They are trying to fatten us up! And we love it. 


  1. Hope Danae is feeling better soon.

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