Sunday we woke up early and were on the trail by 7:45. We walked a total of 18 miles but it didn't feel that long. We had some steep climbs, but overall the terrain was easier than normal. There was some trail magic at the first roa crossing we came to. It was about 9:00 and there was a guy with bananas, bottled water, and Fig Nuttons. We devoured the banana giving us the necessary potassium for the 18 mile day. The Fig Nuttons also have us more energy than normal for the morning. At the road crossing we met up with Neon again. We walked with him for about 9 miles. We talked the whole time which helped make the first half of the miles fly by. He is a ski instructor for kids aged 4-7 in Vermot. He is from NH. He told us we can come visit him anytime and get 50% off or free ski tickets. Sounds like we will have a good ski trip this winter. We separated from Neon when he stopped to get water and wait for another friend. After 12 miles we at lunch. A tortilla with tuna and a side of trail mix and beef jerky. Shoutout to my father-in-law Stuart for the delicious jerky. After hiking 17 miles, we came to another road crossing where we would take one last break before camp. There was a soda vending machine!!! We bought a coke. It was the best coke ever. There was also a lake. Another hiker convinced me to jump in the lake. He said it was refreshing. I jumped in the freezing water and was able to cleanse myself and my clothes. However, this was unnecessary because the campsite we were staying at that night had showers! This shelter/campsite is know as the "Fontana Dam Hilton" because of how nice it is. We were able to get a hot shower that night. Since it was Easter Danae and I wanted to do something special. It's hard to do that when we don't have much with us, but The Lord provided once again. As we were setting up our tent we heard a groups singing. We went over and it was the YWAM group having an Easter service. We joined them in singing. After the service the leader have us chocolate Easter eggs. They also had leftover soup that they offered. We then talked to them for an hour before we took our shower and went to bed.
This morning we left Fontana Dam and entered the Smokies national park. We had to pay $20 per person to hike this 70 mile section. Today was a difficult climb. 16 miles. 15 of those miles were inclined up. We started at 1,700 ft and are now up to about 5,000. Tomorrow is also mostly uphill as we approach the highest point on the AT. Clingmans Dome. Since we are running low on food we will try to Hitchhike from Clingmans Dome on Wendesday into Gatlingburgh TN to get some groceries.
Tonight at camp we met a group of Germans. They all speak English very well. They are required to learn English in Germany. We asked them what they like most about the USA and what they hate most. Their answers were funny. The like the free refills of soda at Restaurants. They dislike our bread and how the drinking age is 21 instead of 16. The one guy is 20 and he hates this USA law. Anyways, I should go to sleep. We will hike 13 miles tomorrow in the rain if all goes well. I will post pictures in the next post. Cell service has been little and I can post this quicker without pictures.
Love the posts and love when you post pictures.