Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Today is our second day on the trail. Yesterday we hiked 10.5 miles today 12. It is a lot more difficult than we originally thought. Why do we have to climb up and down the mountain? Why can't we go around? Oh well.  Today Danae (Zae) got several blisters on her feet. I only have a sore back and feet, so does Zae. I go my nickname right as we got on the trail. Shazz. It comes from Beltashazzar. Daniel's (from the bible) Babylonian name. So from now on I am Shazz. We met a cool guy yesterday before we left camp. We call him Ranger. Is is an older guy (compared to us). He just retired as a mechanical engineer. His youngest son is a is going to get his PHD in nuclear physics. We saw him several times today. We passed him and then he passed us. After we setup camp he came along and we invited him to camp with us. We enjoyed having supper with him. He even shared his Jelly Bellys with us. Speaking of food, everything tastes better when hiking. I hate Ramen noodles, but they rated great yesterday. Danae hates pop tarts but she loved them today. Tomorrow we are hiking Blood Mtn. The name scares me. We are at 3,100 ft now. Blood mtn is about 4,600. Don't worry. This mtn is small compared to the 6,000+ mountains we will climb in NC, TN, and Maine 

This is Ranger. He is also pictured in the campsite photos


  1. Wait... Who took that picture of both of you?

  2. Thanks for the update! Danae-hope your blisters heal up quickly and that you can enjoy the beauty despite some discomfort!

  3. Thanks for the update. We look forward to hearing more. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite :) The Weimers

  4. Happy trails! Dry feet & Duck tape really help when it comes to those blisters. I only spent a week on the AT a couple of summers ago, but I have fond memories of just how much harder it was than what we thought it would be. Some day I'll get out there again. :)

  5. Hey just found your blog. Hope you make it to the end cause i want to hear all about it. Btw this is elvin from black sheep.
